Minggu, 10 September 2006

What is Gravity

Though humans have always been aware of gravity, there have been many attempts to accurately explain it throughout the years, and theories must regularly be improved upon to account for previously unconsidered aspects of gravity. Aristotle was one of the first thinkers to postulate the reason for gravity, and his and other early theories relied on a geocentric model of the universe, with the Earth at its center. Galileo, the Italian physicist who made the first telescopic observations supporting a heliocentric model of the solar system, with the Sun at the center, also made strides in the theory of gravity around the turn of the 17th century. He discovered that objects of varying weights fall towards the Earth at the same speed. 

In 1687, English scientist Sir Isaac Newton published his law of universal gravitation, which is still used to describe the forces of gravity in most everyday contexts. Newton's first law states that the force of gravity between two masses is directly proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, or mathematically: F=G(m1m2/d2), where G is a constant. 

Newton's second law states that gravitational force is equal to the product of a body's mass and its acceleration, or F=ma. This means that two masses that are gravitationally attracted to each other experience the same force, but that it translates into a much greater acceleration for a smaller object. Therefore, when an apple falls towards the Earth, both the Earth and the apple experience equal force, but the Earth accelerates towards the apple at a negligible speed, since it is so much more massive than the apple. 

Around the late 19th century, astronomers began to notice that Newton's law did not perfectly account for observed gravitational phenomena in our solar system, notably in the case of Mercury's orbit. Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, published in 1915, resolved the issue of Mercury's orbit, but it has since been found to be incomplete as well, as it cannot account for phenomena described in quantum mechanics. String theory is one of the foremost modern theories to explain quantum gravity. Though Newton's law is not perfect, it is still widely used and taught because of its simplicity and close approximation of reality. 

Because gravitational force is proportional to the masses of the two objects experiencing it, different heavenly bodies exert stronger or weaker gravitational force. For this reason, an object will have different weights on different planets, being heavier on more massive planets and lighter on less massive planets. This is why humans are much lighter on the Moon than they are on the Earth.

It's a popular misconception that astronauts experience weightlessness during space travel because they are outside the field of gravitational force of a large body. In fact, weightlessness during space travel is actually achieved because of free fall — the astronaut and the space shuttle or rocket are both falling (or accelerating) at the same speeds. The same speed gives the notion of weightlessness or floating. This is the same concept as a person on a "free fall" ride at an amusement park. Both the rider and the ride are falling at the same speed causing the rider to seem as though he is falling independent of the ride. The same feeling can be experienced while riding an airplane or an elevator that suddenly breaks from its normal rate of decent.

Jumat, 08 September 2006

What Is Buoyancy

The Archimedes Principle

The mathematician Archimedes, who lived in the third century B.C., is credited with discovering much of how buoyancy works. According to legend, he was getting into a bath one day and noticed that the more he immersed himself in the water, the more its level rose. He realized that his body was displacing the water in the tub. Later, he determined that an object under water weighed less than an object in air. Through these and other realizations, he established what came to be known as the Archimedes Principle:

An object in fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid the object displaces.

Positive, Negative, and Neutral Buoyancy

An object that floats in a liquid is positively buoyant. This means that the amount of water displaced by the object weighs more than the object itself. For example, a boat that weighs 50 lbs (23 kg) but displaces 100 lbs (45 kg) of water will easily float. The boat displaces more water than its weight in part because of its size and shape; most of the interior of a boat is air, which is very light. This explains why massive ocean liners float: as long as the water displaced weighs more than the ships themselves, they will not sink.

Negative buoyancy is what causes objects to sink. It refers to an object whose weight is more than the weight of the liquid it displaces. For example, a pebble may weigh 25 grams, but if it only displaces 15 grams of water, it cannot float. If the 50 lbs (23 kg) boat was loaded down with 75 lbs (34 kg) of freight, it would no longer float because its weight (125 lbs or 56.69 kg) is heavier than the weight of the water it displaces (100 lbs or 45 kg).

It is also possible for an object to be neutrally buoyant. This means that the object's weight and the amount of liquid it displaces are about the same. A neutrally buoyant object will hover in the liquid, neither sinking nor floating. A submarine can adjust it weight by adding or expelling water in special tanks called ballast tanks. By properly balancing its ballast, the sub can hover at various levels under the surface of the water without sinking.

Size and Shape

How much of an object's surface touches the water has an effect on its buoyancy. A very large ship has a lot of surface area, which means that the ship's weight is spread out over a lot of water, all of which is pushing up on the ship. If the same ship was in the water with the bow pointing down, it would start to sink because all of the weight is concentrated in one small area, and the water it is displacing weighs less than the weight of the ship.

A common example used to demonstrate this is a person floating in water. If the person floats on her back, her entire body can stay at or near the water's surface. When she floats in the water with her feet down, she'll sink farther; typically, only her upper body will stay at the top of the water.


Stability in a fluid depends on the location of an object's center of buoyancy in relation to its center of gravity. An object's center of gravity is the point in the object where all of the object's weight appears to be concentrated; it can also be thought of as the average location of the object's weight. The center of buoyancy is the center of gravity of the water that the object has displaced. This is not in the water, but in the object floating on it.

When the center of buoyancy is directly above the center of gravity, then the object will be stable. If, however, the center of gravity is above the center of buoyancy — as in a ship that is loaded with freight high above the water line — then the object becomes unstable. If the freight shifts to one side for any reason, the center of gravity and the center of buoyancy will no longer line up. The ship will tip over as the center of buoyancy tries to rise above the center of gravity again.

In the human body, the center of gravity is usually in the area of the navel. The center of buoyancy is slightly higher, which is why a body tends to float upright with the shoulders and torso above the legs. Turned upside down, where the legs are above the torso, the body's center of gravity is above the center of buoyancy. This makes the body unstable, and the position can only be maintained through effort.

Buoyancy in Practice

By applying the principles of buoyancy, engineers can design boats, ships, and seaplanes that remain afloat and stable in water. This is true of many other objects, such as life preservers and pontoons. Just about anything designed for water relies on an understanding of these principles.

Many swimmers know that there are ways to make their bodies more buoyant, such as lying on their backs or holding a full breath. In addition, trying to dive to the bottom of a pool takes effort because the body naturally floats. Scuba divers in particular need to know how to float, hover, and sink, and they often wear extra weights and other gear to help them manage these maneuvers.

Senin, 04 September 2006

What Is Urea


Naturally, the chemical compound is not only produced by humans but also by many other mammals, as well as amphibians and some fish. Discovered in 1773 by the French chemist Hillaire Rouelle, urea became the first organic compound to be synthetically formulated. German chemist Friedrich Wöhler, one of the pioneers of organic chemistry, invented the process to create the synthetic version of the compound in 1828, just 55 years after its discovery. 


The synthetic version of the compound is created from ammonia and carbon dioxide and can be produced as a liquid or a solid. In 1870, the process of producing the compound synthetically by dehydrating ammonium carbamate under conditions of high heat and pressure was invented, and this process is still used today. There are many common uses of the synthetic compound, and therefore its production is high; in fact, approximately one million pounds of urea is manufactured in the United States alone each year.

Common Uses

Most of the manufactured compound is used in fertilizers; when nitrogen is added to urea, the compound becomes water soluble, making it a highly desired ingredient for lawn fertilizer. The synthetic version is also used commercially and industrially to produce some types of plastics, animal feed, glues, toilet bowl cleaners, dish washing machine detergents, hair coloring products, pesticides, and fungicides. Medicinally, it is used in barbiturates, dermatological products that re-hydrate the skin, and diuretics Physicians can use urea levels to detect diseases and disorders that affect the kidneys, such as acute kidney failure or end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and the urine urea nitrogen (UUN) tests, which measure urea nitrogen levels in the blood and urine, are often used to assess how well a patient's kidneys are functioning. Increased or decreased levels of the compound, however, do not always indicate kidney problems, but instead may reflect dehydration or increased protein intake.


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